Project Nightfall Philanthropy is here for those in need. These are extra challenging times for many around the world and we want to do our best to help the most deserving of you. If you or anyone you know is going through a tough time and you feel financial assistance can significantly help, please apply. Tell us why we should pick your cause and how you will use the money if you are selected. This doesn't have to be for just one person, it can be for a family, a village, or any cause.

With an average of 500 million views a month, we have the incredible power of social media behind us. We will use our platform to share your story and to spread the impact our donations have made to your lives. With this we hope to inspire more people to help those in need, and to remind anyone going through a dark time that anyone’s life can change over just one nightfall.


Email Address *

Full Name *

Phone Number with Area Code *

Link/s to Social Media Account/s *

Country (Please select one) *

Are you nominating yourself or someone else? *


Someone else

Why should The Project Nightfall Philanthropy pick your cause? *

How will you use the financial support if you get selected? (TIP: We select causes that are tangible and specifically for one thing. It is important to be precise about the exact and most important need rather than listing all the different ways you will use donation.) *

Please provide supporting documents as proof for your cause. Include Résumé or CV, pictures, videos, medical certificates, and anything that will help us realise that your troubles are real and you will use our help for good. *

I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application or lead to legal action.


I authorize Project Nightfall to use my photos, footage, or any other media for the sole purpose of documentation on their social media channels and/or website/s.
